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The quiet crisis in Australia’s $173 billion wellness boom

3 March, 2025 | 

Originally published: Medianet, 3 March 2025

A Pureprofile survey commissioned by Audika Australia reveals Australians are in denial about hearing loss – despite knowing its impact on mental health, cognitive decline, and social isolation.

  • 68% of Australian respondents don’t see hearing loss as a personal health concern, and 30% have never had their hearing checked at all. 

  • 84% recognise that untreated hearing loss can affect mental health, yet only 21% get their hearing checked annually, exposing a major disconnect between awareness and action. 

  • Despite 80% of 40 yrs+ Australians seeing their GP regularly, hearing health remains deprioritised, with 74% of people believing they don’t need a hearing check. 

Access to hearing care should be a fundamental right, and everyone deserves to hear life’s best moments. By rethinking the role of hearing in overall wellbeing, incorporating the 60/60 safer hearing protection practices into daily wellness habits, and scheduling regular hearing checks, Australians can take meaningful steps to preserve their auditory health and continue enjoying the sounds that enrich their livesiv.

This World Hearing Day, Audika is encouraging all Australians over 26 to ‘Love Your Ears’ by visiting their closest clinic for a free hearing check this Hearing Awareness Week (1-7 March) or taking the five-minute online hearing check via https://www.audika.com.au.

About the research:

An online survey was scripted and hosted by PureProfile, an independent research services provider. A nationally representative sample of n=1,006 Australians aged 40+ were selected via randomisation to participate by the research panel provider PureProfile. Fieldwork was conducted from the 12th of February to the 17th of February 2025. 

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