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14 ways to slash your energy costs while staying home

26 August, 2021 | 

Originally published: Domain, 24 August 2021

Australians are spending far more time than usual at home during the pandemic and, as a result, many are worried about soaring energy bills.

New research has found 40 per cent of us are concerned about higher energy costs, especially during the lockdown periods, while three-quarters of us have stayed at home for much longer periods than in 2019.

“I think people are now getting quite stressed about bills,” says financial advisor Helen Baker. “So many are working from home and home-schooling and using lots more devices that it’s clear that there’s a lot of pressure on energy bills.

“So, more than at any other time, it’s important that people really think about their energy use and take some simple steps to cut back.”

In the study by Pureprofile of 1050 Australians, commissioned by wearable blanket company The Oodie, 42 per cent of people revealed they are spending more than $300 each quarter on energy, while 20 per cent said they are spending more than $400.

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