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Office Fomo? Kiwis working from home more likely to socialise with colleagues

29 February, 2024 | 

Originally published: NZ Herald, 27 February 2024

Working from home has many documented benefits, from improving your concentration on tasks to cutting down your commute time. But it can mean we don’t get the chance to socialise and connect with our co-workers on a deeper level – so are we missing out? A new survey of young Kiwi professionals shows just how much we still value workplace socialising, even when we’re not in the office.

If, like me, you spent the majority of your working years under Covid-19 lockdown conditions, chances are you’re experiencing a bit of a work-from-home hangover.

Though it’s been years since most of us returned to the office for good, the debate rages on over whether it’s best to work from home, in the office full-time, or if a hybrid model is best for both employees and employers.

Commissioned by Bacardi, and conducted by Pureprofile, the survey canvassed 501 Kiwis aged 18 to 35 to see how they feel about socialising outside the workplace.

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