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Quality Control

Pureprofile prides itself on having strict quality control tests in place – find out more about our panel quality and recruitment processes, data protection and management, scripting quality and more. If you have further questions, please get in touch with us to have a chat.

Pureprofile has received the following ISO Certifications:

  • ISO 20252:2019 Market, Opinion and Social Research

Panel Provider FAQs​

Many panels include panelists that have stopped taking surveys, but are probably still being counted. This makes many panels largely redundant because they don’t reflect the people actually taking the surveys. Ask your provider for statistics that represent active panel members, and ask what their definition of ‘active’ is.

Pureprofile defines Active users as an account holder who have finished one study in the past 30 days and redeem their rewards.

While a panel may appear representative on the surface, if the people participating are serial survey-takers, there will be inherent biases in responses. Do you want to base a million-dollar decision on insights derived from people who take back-to-back, 30-minute surveys?

Pureprofile believes that an improved respondent experience means better data quality and more representative sample. Hence, we follow strict policy of serving only 4 – 5 email invites per month.

If the panel provider you’ve been using hasn’t evolved how it recruits its respondents for several years, you should question how it plans to sustain those hard-to-reach panel members. It’s vital for your provider to show you how it connects with demographics like young professionals, business decision makers, healthcare professionals, mothers and other key groups.

We’re always coming up with ways to engage new audiences. That’s why we’ve partnered with News Corp to drive its News Connect platform, giving us access to a subset of its 7.2m daily readership.

Some research providers may look like they’ve got solid panel numbers, but if they’re not actively inviting you to sign up and try their site yourself, you should question why.

If you want to see how representative a panel really is, judge it both on the quantitative stats from its panel book and the qualitative experience of being a member.

We invite you to sign up to Pureprofile and compare the experience with other panels you’re using. Our goal is to create an experience so good the only people taking our surveys are real people – people just like you.

If your panel provider isn’t optimising surveys for all devices, you could be sacrificing data quality and sample representativeness – as well as missing out on respondents.

Pureprofile is a true believer in mobile first. Our surveys are beautiful, engaging and easy to complete, wherever our respondents access them. Our team will work with you to assist in optimising your questionnaire for smaller screen sizes to get the best possible results,in terms of response rates and consideration of responses.

Quality Management ​

Pureprofile, since being founded in 2000, is committed to ensuring quality across all areas of its products and services. Team members are dedicated to continuous improvement in the interest of providing highly accurate, dependable data collection, processing and provision. The ultimate goal of our approach is to provide perfect value to the customer through a value creation process that has zero waste.

This commitment aims to add value to our clients by:

  1. Regularly seeking feedback from our clients on their specific needs and expectations.
  2. Always reporting in a transparent, accurate and timely fashion.
  3. Honouring the The Research Society guidelines (formally AMSRS) Code of Professional Behaviour.
  4. Abide by the Australian Privacy Act and ADIA Privacy Code.
  5. Continually improving all aspects of our business, by seeking iterative improvements and innovative enhancements to existing services.
  6. Keeping abreast of new technologies, services or information that can benefit our clients.
  7. To treat all personal and sensitive information confidentially, and in a manner that fully complies with the National Privacy Legislation.

Data protection and security:

Pureprofile maintains a secure data storage operation where all client and Account Holder details are backed up on multiple, mirrored and redundant server systems within a private security facility. Pureprofile stores multiple sets of data from client projects on both local server networks and web based project management systems.

In any given survey a respondent’s data is collected anonymously with data only tagged to a random identification number.

Scripting Quality:

Having programmed surveys for over 15 years, we understand the pain that can be caused by insufficient testing prior to launch. Wasted sample, an awful respondent experience, and arduously prolonged fieldwork are often the result of not having a robust quality assurance (QA) process in place.

This is why each and every survey that is programmed by Pureprofile undergoes rigorous testing by Programmers, QA Specialists, and Project Managers before being sent to our client. In agreement with our clients, we tend to practice all or certain set of below quality checks.

  1. Speeders: Flag if respondent completes the survey within 30% of the estimated survey length.
  2. Verbatim review: Flag if an invalid or unacceptable answer is provided in an open ended response.
  3. Profile validation: Flag if the answer to a survey question which exists in the Pureprofile member profile does not match the answer we have on record in their profile.
  4. Straight lining: Flag if a series of answers in a bank of statements/questions are identical. For example, a respondent that selects the same point in a ten point scale over 5 questions or more.
  5. Trip questions: Flag if respondent answers a trip question incorrectly. For example, ‘To ensure you’re paying attention, please select number 3 below.’
  6. Encouragement messages: Add encouraging messages at stages within the survey. For example, “Thanks for your answers so far, only a little further to the finish line!”.
  7. Progress delay: Upon request, the Pureprofile Survey Programming team can implement logic into the survey which requires the respondent to spend a certain amount of time on a question or page before being able to continue the survey.

Panel Quality and Recruitment Process

Pureprofile is an independent, actively managed panel of online Account Holders. Pureprofile’s panel of respondents is unique to Pureprofile, and can only be accessed through its proprietary technology platform. Pureprofile originally recruited a large bulk of it’s respondents in conjunction with the Australia Post Lifestyle Survey in 2006 and has organically grown since then. Pureprofile sources new Account Holders (panel members) through a variety of online and offline sources including, but not limited to internal referral programs, search engine optimisation techniques and occasionally offline print trade marketing, location-based registration and radio advertising. During contracted fieldwork periods, Pureprofile does not use external lists or any other form of sample provision without the express instruction of an individual client. Pureprofile’s recruitment process validates the recruitment of only the highest quality respondents.

  1. Identity validation: authenticates the personal identifying information (IIP) to various social or publisher databases where available.
  2. IP address matching: this is validated at a country level to minimise fraudulent from other countries.
  3. Name matching: the system picks up same name that are used with various email address or password.
  4. Password matching: the system picks up passwords that are the used various time by different name.
  5. Profile matching: authenticates consistency of profile data answered by account holders from various surveys.
  6. Unique machine ID validation: for each scripts hosted by Pureprofile, we place cookies at the end of survey to capture machine id to ensure respondents don’t access same survey every time.
  7. 3 strikes out: for the respondents how are identified as speeders, nonsensical responses or straight liners from our scripting quality checks are given 3 chances to provide quality data. Under condition they fail to so for fourth team, they are knocked out from our panel.

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