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From AI to productivity: Why 2024 will belong to people-focused businesses

31 October, 2023 | 

Originally published: Smart Company, 31 October 2023

By Martin Filz Pureprofile CEO

It’s likely that by the time you log off work today, you will have used generative AI (GenAI) for at least some part of your job. At least that’s what McKinsey’s State of AI in 2023 report says; the report reveals that 60% of businesses use GenAI in at least one of their functions, with 40% expecting to increase their investment in AI technology. 

It has been a breakout year for AI, and the progress it has brought to job functionality and efficiency. However, as we anticipate the wave of AI advancements over the coming weeks and months ahead, we cannot forget our most important business asset — our people.

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