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High costs & lack of infrastructure hinder EV adoption in Australia, NZ

7 November, 2023 | 

Originally published: IT Brief, 02 November 2023

New research conducted by global data and insights company Pureprofile sheds light on the chief obstacles hindering the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) in Australia and New Zealand.

These critical challenges comprise high upfront costs, an inadequate number of public charging stations, and ‘range anxiety’ – the fear of a vehicle’s battery depleting before reaching its destination or a recharging point.

The study, which surveyed over 2,000 Australians and 1,000 New Zealanders, found that nearly two-fifths (39%) of Australians deemed the upfront cost of EVs a deterrent from purchasing, whereas 65% blamed the rising cost of living as another dissuasive factor. Around 36% felt Australia was underserved by EV charging stations, and an additional 28% expressed anxiety over the vehicles’ battery life.

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