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Air taxis ready for take off in Canada with public support, survey says

5 July, 2023 | 

Originally published: Engineering & Technology, 29 June 2023

New research shows growing support for the development of air taxi services in Canada to help the country seize opportunities to create jobs and boost revenue, while also helping the environment.

A nationwide study by Horizon Aircraft, a Canadian-based company specialising in hybrid electric Vertical Take-off and Landing (eVTOL) aerial vehicles found that 73 per cent of Canadians support the development of the air taxi and eVTOL industry.

Nearly four out of five (78 per cent) would be happy to fly in them once they are commercially operational. Just 7 per cent said they would never use an eVTOL, while 15 per cent are currently undecided. A major reason driving support for the industry is the potential to create jobs and boost the Canadian economy, whilst also helping cut greenhouse gas emissions by reducing traffic congestion.

The study was conducted in May by independent research agency Pureprofile on behalf of Horizon, polling a nationally representative sample of 1,000 Canadians aged 18-plus, which included 203 who currently live in or have lived in a remote area of Canada and are thus inclined to be interested in the eVTOL concept.

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