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Connecting the dots with customer-centricity

6 November, 2019 | 

Sophisticated marketing has always been about data, insights and measurement. Today, businesses are faced with an abundance of consumer data, making it extremely difficult to allocate enough resources to analysing and actioning the data that really matters. The data sources are endless and are typically collected and stored in siloed systems.

Putting the right technology in place to centralise and unify consumer data is the key to achieving customer-centricity. In fact, it’s impossible to meaningfully understand the customer journey without taking this crucial step.

Best-in-class businesses know this, and are undergoing digital transformations to connect the data dots. They also understand that in order to get the outcomes they need, finding a suitable technology partner is critical.

The truth is that customer-centricity can only be achieved with the right data. Understanding the metrics behind customer touchpoints is a great starting point, but it doesn’t allow you to get to the ‘why’ behind what drives a person to complete a purchase. Is a consumer visiting your website for the first time? Why not ask them what they’re looking for? Did a customer just visit your store without making a purchase? Why not ask them what you can do to provide a better experience? The use cases are endless – asking the right questions, and collecting self-declared data, is the only way to put customer-centricity at the core of your data strategy.

Combining self-declared data with the rich information you already hold on your customers gives you the ability to provide highly personalised experiences based on what your customers tell you. There’s no lack of evidence to illustrate how personalised customer experiences improves critical business drivers such as brand loyalty, customer engagement and conversion rates.

Facilitating and harnessing declared data allows brands to execute smarter marketing strategies that are underpinned by the only data that matters – the combination of transactional, behavioural and self-declared data. This is without doubt, the most powerful customer data asset currently available to marketers.

Actioning the resulting insights sends a clear message. It shows customers that you are listening to their needs and wants and that you are willing to provide them with the kind of brand experience that delights at every stage of the customer journey.

Interested in learning more about how to put customers at the core of your business?
Reach out to one of our expert consultants today.

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