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Dynamic Business: Let’s talk Diversity

14 November, 2019 | 

Originally published: Dynamic Business, 13 November 2019

Diversity is often talked about in the context of work, but rarely specifically defined. We wanted to change that slightly today, and get into the nitty-gritty of what true diversity actually looks like for teams right now according to our business leaders.

Employees of different backgrounds, ages, ethnicity, gender, skills and so on are largely considered to be an asset for businesses; a diverse team and environment can create greater opportunities for creative thinking and fosters an overall company value of inclusion.

Is this true for today’s business leaders? Let’s see what they believe “true diversity” is at work, and in what ways it may be helping their business.

Melinda Sheppard, Pureprofile Chief Operating Officer
In a global world, we can’t afford not to be diverse. This means encouraging and enabling collaboration between people in different geographies and timezones, all of whom can learn from one another.
Age diversity is often overlooked, to the detriment of both older and younger workers. Having a workforce entirely composed of millennials, or “dinosaurs”, isn’t desirable. Mixing seasoned, experienced individuals with those newer to the workforce encourages knowledge sharing and learning in both directions. It’s also important to welcome people of all abilities, including the hearing and visually impaired.

Diversity is challenging. Different opinions and work styles can lead to clashes. This is where diversity training can be important, and having an ongoing process to educate employees about how to treat and interact with people of different backgrounds.

But embracing diversity boosts morale and productivity, as people feel they are included and valued, rather than excluded. Ultimately, businesses that harness a wide range of talent and diversity will create the most collaborative environments.

Read the full article >

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