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Fares fall as Australian air travel returns to pre-Covid capacity

16 April, 2024 | 

Originally published: The Guardian, 13 April 2024

Higher seat availability has resulted in lower airfares, group says, but cost-of-living pressures continue their impact on holiday plans

Airlines have finally shaken off the lingering effects of Covid, with capacity back to pre-pandemic levels for the first time, according to data from Flight Centre.

Global seat availability climbed back over 100% of 2019 levels in April, with travellers enjoying lower air fares as a result.

“An analysis of key international routes for Australian travellers found fares on some international routes out of Australia dropped by up to 25%,” said Flight Centre Corporate’s managing director, Melissa Elf. “With more and more capacity and competition being introduced to the market, it’s a trend we’ll continue to see throughout the rest of the year.”

In a survey of 1,500 Australians conducted by Pure Profile for the travel industry’s peak body, 70% planned to go away for a holiday during the autumn school break, including 41% within their own state, up from 36% during summer.

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