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Google to block intrusive display ads

1 March, 2018 | 

Google Chrome recently announced that it will now block ads that are deemed most intrusive, defined by the Better Ad Standards. These include display ads that take over the browser, pop-up ads, auto play videos with sound, and large sticky ads that take over the bottom of the screen and do not move.
This change could lead to better online display ad quality and user experiences, enabling advertisers to better engage with consumers whilst also bringing more uniformity to the digital ad space. Advertisers should be aware of these changes and ensure that their ads are appearing on publisher sites that are supported by the Better Ad Standards.

Below are the 9 display advertising ad experiences listed in the IAB New Ad Portfolio which defines disruptive ad experiences that should not be used in display advertising.

1. Pop Up Ads

Ads that cover or overlay the content or obstruct users from viewing the content are not allowed. It Includes all ads that pop up on the user’s screen and cover the content as well as ads that “float in”, “slide in”, “fly in” to the screen and obstruct the full view or partial view of the screen’s primary content. Any ads that automatically take user to an interstitial or overlay ad without user initiation or user action to navigate content.

2. Auto Expansion

Ads that expand from their original size to a bigger size without user initiation must not be used. Expansion while scrolling is allowed.

3. Hover or Rollover Expansion

Hover must not be considered a substitute for a click, for the purpose of ad expansion. On hover, no ad function that changes the form or size of the ad from its original size is allowed, e.g. expansion.

4. Sideways Ad Expand that Overlays Content

No directional or sideways expansion of an ad is allowed. All ads must expand to cover full screen. If expanded creative size is not full screen, it must be placed in center of screen.

5. Auto Play Video with Audio

Auto play defines automatic initiation of media by the ad. These ads auto play audio on desktop and mobile devices. Video play is defined as the execution of specific files, e.g. mp4, that are used to play video. Audio is allowed to auto play only under specific conditions. Please see video under LEAN user experience and ad content guidance for details.

6. Forced Countdown

Forced countdowns to dismiss or skip ads e.g. interstitials or expanded part of the ad must not be used. User should have immediate option to “Close” or “Dismiss” the ad from the beginning of the ad experience.

7. Pages with High Ad Density

Pages that have ad covering more than 30% of pixels are considered high ad density pages. Pages should have less than 30% ad density. Sometimes an ad may have more than 30% of pixels of user’s viewport but not more than 30% of pixels on the page. Such ads are allowed under the following guidance:
An ad is allowed to occupy more than 30% of the viewport at a time, e.g. a 1:1 ad on mobile phone, BUT overall on the page (as user scrolls down) the combined ads must not have more than 30% of pixels on page.
If an ad that has more than 30% ad density of the viewport is to be shown it must start with partial viewability (no more than 30% of height screen) on screen and gain full viewability as user scrolls through the page.

8. Scroll Over or Scrolling Overlay

Ads that appear while scrolling and auto expand to cover the content or screen. Ads that do not expand inline but overlay the content. Ads that expand against the user scroll direction.

9. Flashing Animation

Flashing animation is described as having one or more of below content types: 1. High contrast colors. 2. Very bright colors. 3. Fast moving images or content.

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