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Cars24 launches car ‘couch’ for online used-car buying

15 October, 2021 | 

Originally published: IT Wire, 13 October 2021

Startup digital car dealership Cars24 has launched ia claimed world-first tech enabled car couch which it says will transform digital car buying in Australia.
Cars24 has announced it has partnered with The Quiet Company, an AI-driven “wellbeing business”, to create the “ultimate used car buying destination” – an innovatively designed couch.
Cars24 – whch says it plans to make the Car Couch prototype available for trial in select locations in 2022 – was founded in India in 2015 and is now valued at over $1 billion dollars, with expansion into the United Arab Emirates, Thailand and more countries in the pipeline.
Australia is Cars4’s first market outside Asia and the Middle East.
It comes off the back of a new national survey – Commissioned by Cars24 in conjunction with Pureprofile and conducted online in September 2021 – that Cars24 says reveals that most Aussies (81%) would feel most comfortable buying a used car from the comfort of their own home, and more than half (53%) admitting the couch is their favourite place to shop online.
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