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New data reveals headaches hit 79% of Australian households hard costing the Australian economy over $35.7 billion annually

28 August, 2023 | 

Originally published: Australian Chiropractors Association, 21 May 2023

Today, the Australian Chiropractors Association (ACA) launched Spinal Health Week (22 – 28 May 2023) with the release of a new independent survey, ‘The Impact of Headaches in Australia’ conducted by Pureprofile, revealing the true impact of headaches on the lives of 65% of Australians that costs the Australian economy over $35.7 billion annually.

Spinal Health Week is Australia’s longest-running national campaign (over 25 years) dedicated to improving the spinal health and wellbeing of all Australians. In 2023, the campaign’s focus is on headaches and what Australians can do to minimise the acute impact headaches have on families, workers and the economy. 

More Australians suffer from migraine or tension headaches than diabetes, epilepsy and asthma combined with the survey revealing the most common headache triggers being stress (at home, work and school) and spinal health conditions.

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