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Global Palladium Fund finds asset managers are expecting to increase exposure to gold

25 August, 2021 | 

Originally published: Proactive Investor, 24 August 2021

Gold continues to provide diversification and a good hedge against rising inflation for investors, the Global Palladium Fund said
The Global Palladium Fund (GPF) has cut the cost of owning gold exchange-traded commodities (ETCs) on its platform.
The total expense ratio of its gold ETC has been cut to 0.12% from 0.145%, which the company believes are the lowest charges and total cost of ownership of any physically-backed gold ETC in the world.
Annual fees from competitors range from 0.15% to 0.4%, GPF said.
Gold, described in some circles whimsically as “cryptocurrency for the older generation”, continues to provide diversification and a good hedge against rising inflation for investors, GPF asserted.
A survey conducted across the UK, Italy and Germany by Pureprofile of 150 pension funds with combined assets under management of US$213bn revealed that three-quarters of them are expecting to increase their allocation to gold over the next 12 months, compared to just 5% expecting to trim their holdings.
Read the full article >

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