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Living in lockdown – What Aussies have missed

6 October, 2021 | 

Originally published: Research News Live, 06 October 2021

As the country creeps closer to reaching vaccine targets, state governments are beginning to reveal their plans for lifting COVID restrictions. However, despite lots of excitement surrounding impending freedom, many of us might be struggling to remember a time before the pandemic.

Pureprofile asked 501 Australians about the types of sacrifices they’ve made during lockdowns and what rules they feel are necessary as we work towards a post-pandemic normal. Here’s what they discovered…

The top three things Aussies missed most due to COVID lockdowns were seeing friends and family (61%), travelling (48%) and eating out at restaurants (36%). Almost one-quarter of people have missed going to pubs and clubs.

Interestingly, 19% have missed buying clothing in-store and another 7% missed in-store furniture shopping.

Putting off big life events has become the norm over the past 18 months due to ever-changing restrictions – with many Aussies having delayed a birthday party (39%), an anniversary party (12%) or a wedding (11%).

The majority of Aussies (64%) think proof of immunisation should be mandatory before being permitted to enter public venues like restaurants, gyms and sports grounds.

13% do not support the use of a vaccine passport for future travel, compared to 64% who believe a vaccine passport should be used for both interstate and international travel.
The infographic below represents further key findings from the research:

Infographic Living in lockdown: What Aussies have missed

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