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Back to school with Omicron

1 February, 2022 | 

As Australian schools open their doors, new health measures have been put in place to allow a safer return to the physical classroom.

So, how do parents and children feel about the latest changes to school life?

We took to our Australian panel to find out. Here are the results:

About a third of Aussies think it’s excessive for children and teachers to take 2 RATs a week.

75% of Aussies think the mask mandates for older children and teachers is an appropriate measure.

Over half of parents would be concerned to isolate themselves in their household if their child was exposed to COVID at school – 1 in 4 would lose work hours, 11% would have to pay for childcare and 17% would have to change their work arrangements to work from home.

18% of children are concerned about contracting COVID at school.

The infographic below represents further key findings from the research:

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