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Christmas Global Report 2023

Global Christmas Report 2023

As we look towards another festive season shrouded in economic pressures, it’s important to cast our financial woes aside and focus on summoning joy by spending time (not money) with the people we love.

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The ultimate Market Research guide for PR professionals

The ultimate Market Research guide for PR professionals

The role of market research in shaping effective PR strategies has never been more critical.
The fast-evolving business and consumer landscape demands accurate, real-time information from which media and communication professionals can generate the actionable insights they need to create successful campaigns.

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IAB 2023 Report

Australian Ecommerce Report 2023

For a third consecutive year we have partnered with IAB Australia to bring you critical insights into the state of Australian ecommerce and retail marketing.

As inflation and rising interest rates continue to impact the consumer hip pocket, it’s clear the cost-of-living crisis is shaping the way Aussies are interacting and spending with brands. In the face of continued economic uncertainty, retailers are faced with the challenge of building consumer confidence in a difficult climate.

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Christmas insights report 2022: Singapore

Christmas insights report 2022: Singapore

Christmas is an important time for all – as we come together to celebrate with gifts, decorations and feasting. However, as we emerge from the pandemic, we are now facing a new set of challenges with the rising cost of living.

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