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Electric Vehicles: Are we ready to charge ahead?

3 November, 2023 | 

High upfront costs, a lack of public charging stations, and ‘range anxiety’ – the fear of a vehicle’s battery depleting before reaching its destination or a recharging point – are the top reasons keeping more Aussies and Kiwis from investing in EVs. 

We surveyed a nationally representative sample of 3,000 Pureprofile panellists from Australia and New Zealand to find out about their perceptions and attitudes toward the emerging electric vehicle market.

Here’s what we discovered:

11% of Kiwis and only 3% of Aussies are driving EVs – well behind Norway (80%) with the highest global share of EV sales

Despite the current uptake of EVs being relatively low in comparison to other countries, EV enthusiasm is high – 77% of Aussies and 68% of Kiwis intend to purchase an EV sometime in the future

The biggest barrier to purchase is high upfront costs for 39% of Aussies and 52% of Kiwis

71% of Aussies believe that the government should invest in solar power infrastructure, as it has the potential to serve as a future source of energy for charging EVs

Half of Aussies agree that by 2030, most new cars in Australia will be electric

The infographic below represents our key findings from the research:

Electric Vehicle Infographic
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